David's brother Keith and his wife Kim welcomed their first baby, Calvin into the world June 13.
We hopped the first plane we could to go down and meet the cutie pie and be there for his blessing!
(For the record, David had won Calvin over by the end of the week.)
David's brother Joseph and his family made the trip from Oregon and Alisyn came up to
Salt Lake from Orem too. Mini family reunion! It was 100+ everyday so our activities
centered around spots with AC or water!
Some of my extended Utah family got together for rootbeer floats and I got to introduce
David to them... finally. Thanks Ramona (and kids), Vince, Eric (and kids), Bob & Linda,
JayAnn & Paul and the Nelson's for such a fun night.
We couldn't go to Utah without a Temple Square visit.

We watched the Joseph Smith movie, checked out the AC in the visitors centers,
walked over to the Lion House for some homemade rolls, which were sold out
and then stopped to see the fountain go off. When it appeared that the fountain
wasn't going to do anything, we told the boys to go pretend to be the fountain.
Interesting interpretation.
We enjoyed dinner at Rock Red Brewery where Kaityln drew portraits of
each of us while we waited for our food.
Movie theaters have AC and there were a couple movies we'd been wanting to see.
So we split up and the girls (and Adam) went and saw Monsters University and the
older boys went to World War Z. Couldn't pass up on In & Out Burger for a quick
dinner before the movie. Yumm.
No Utah trip is complete without a stop at Cafe Rio either.
Since David isn't a fan, I met up with my old
roommate Emily for lunch. "Coincidentally"
there was a cupcake shop right around the corner
that had won first place on Cupcake Wars. Too bad the cupcakes
didn't survive the hot car ride home. Great seeing you Emily!
We celebrated Kaitlyn's birthday on the 4th of July and had a
great BBQ at Keith & Kim's. After cake and presents...
and a game of Seven Wonders, it was dark enough to light off fireworks.
David got tanks and I had to have snakes. When we got down to just a bunch
of flowers and jumping jacks left, the boys built quite the finale. David just lit the
middle one and we watched to see if the surrounding fireworks would catch...they did.
Thanks to my Aunt Carla and Uncle Barry for letting us crash in their extra room.
Special thanks to cousin Aubrey for letting us use the "Tuna Boat" all week.
Congratulations again Keith & Kim. Calvin is a keeper! Thanks for letting us take lots
of turns holding him and for being such awesome hosts. We had a great time, which
means we'll be back.
I love your blog, it always makes me smile! Fun pictures. You are so pretty, Karrie!