David was born in Anchorage moved around a bunch, but outside of a short stint in TX spent the majority of his life growing up in Alaska. I worked in Alaska for Princess Tours after college for two summers and a couple years ago went to Juneau for the first time on a cruise. We love Alaska.a.lot.
Flying in was beautiful!
We landed at 9pm and it looked like it was noon, love the long Alaska summer days. We were greeted by Romney, David's brother-in-law who made sure our bags arrived safe and sound.
We dropped off our bags at his parents house and headed over to Mendenhall Glacier for a midnight stroll. We had the glacier to ourselves, except for a porcupine sneaking around the bushes which I thought for sure was a bear. Seriously, I almost had heart failure.
The next day we went to breakfast where David used to work, Grandma's Restaurant. We ordered one of everything off the menu to fuel up for our hike. David's mom dropped us off at the Mt. Roberts trail head and we started the 2 mile hike. Almost to the top we ran into snow and then some more snow the higher we got. The trail was gone and so was my good attitude as David kept assuring me we were close. I wasn't sure my ankles would make it to the top as we slid around in sneakers.
We checked out the eagle rescue and had lunch in the lodge before making the best decision
to take the tram down into town.
It was weird seeing all the cruise ships and not being a passenger, but we joined in with the tourists (I had the best tour guide!) and walked around town eating ice-cream and sampling popcorn.
It really is pretty there...I still think we need to do a couples cruise from Seattle to Alaska now that we have a professional tour guide! Lets do it next summer:)