Summer cannot end without a trip to the State Fair.
We managed to pick the busiest Saturday to go, we're awesome. After the hour drive, we waited for 45 minutes in the freeway off ramp lane. Yea. And then there were those cars that tried to get on the off ramp last second, blocking the lane they were in. Sitting there, gradually pushing their way over, blocking traffic with their blinker on. Boo.
Once we were near the entrance, I jumped out of the car to get in line for tickets while David parked the car. Saved some time with that quick thinking.
$10 parking
$25 admission
First stop, the animals.
This bull was HUGE! The Godzilla of cattle, and clearly likes what there is to eat because he didn't look up the whole time. He was busy making steak. Lots and lots of steak.
Awe, baby piggies!
We checked out these performers from Oregon. Or maybe David just assumed they were from OR based on the act?!? Oregon is bound to have several Ivy League clown colleges. It was a nice chance to rest our feet for a few minutes.
Can't forget the food.
We passed up the fried butter...for other fried food.
Corn dog for me and David's usual Puyallup Fair nachos.
We both finished off lunch with a scone chaser.
Last stop, the exhibits. Waited in line to sit in the full body massage chair.
Well worth the 15 minutes after all the walking.
This kid was hilarious.
You stand on this machine and it "shakes" the weight off your body. Where does it go? The place where lost socks go. Just a bunch of socks and weight. We could only stay on for 10 minutes. Not long enough.
We aren't Fair rides people, so we grabbed a Cow Chip cookie on the way out and hoped traffic wasn't going to be as bad leaving.
Next year, I'm introducing David to the Evergreen Fair.
You should try the Utah State Fair! It's only $12 and we have all that wonderful fried food, too - we had a potato thing where they thinly spiral-cut the potato and then fried them in a big pile. It was kinda like potato chips that were all strung together. We'd even let you stay with us again!